The Vice president Hon. Blamo will keep regular contact with each committe chair to ensure that work is being done.
1. Social Committee: The Social Committee shall be responsible for the hosting and conducting of entertainment of members at general meetings, social events, fundraising, charitable activities or programs in keeping with the goals and objectives of the association. The social committee shall also plan and execute annual beauty contest to determine LCAC Queen or "Miss Liberia of Connecticut".
Beatrice Myers - Chair
Patricia Spenster -1st Co-Chair
Traphena Scott - 2nd Co-Chair
Jennebah Swaray Member
Beatrice Brooks. Member
Irene Roesler Member
Rachel Chesson Member
Amarine Swinton Member
Julian Kollie Member
Famatta Green Member
Hawa Morris Member
Mrs. Miama Quermollue Advisor
Mrs. Magretta Mcgill Advisor
Flomo Freeman - Advisor
This committee will be involved in the strategic planning, policy and program
direction in accordance with the purpose and mission of the organization This Committee shall prepare a budget; study and provide means for financing undertakings and projects for the organization. The Committee cannot levy or execute money transactions, but can make recommendations to the Executive Committee or general membership in terms of investments and other financial and budgetary matters.This committee shall examine and ensure that committee members are in good standing with due payments.
Mr. Weah Won - Chairman
Eden Bass - 1st Co-Chair
Marie Seton - 2nd Co-Chair - 646-423-8099
Abraham Monger -Member - 860-514-3141
Shad Roesler Member - 401-499-4429
Morris Walters Member
Hawa Bennett Member
Bishop Hudson Member
Henri Wilson Member
James Hooke Member - 860-610-9822
Mary Francis Advisor
Raheem Barnes Advisor
3. Public Relations & Membership Committee: This committee shall be responsible to promote the association and its activities, recruit and receive and announce new members into the organization. Upon approval of the Executive Committee it shall develop press releases, arrange press conferences, establish and maintain relationship with the news media, formulate, design and distribute publications and /or promotional materials for the association.
Arthur Gbeazon CHAIR
Nokie Wright 1ST CO-CHAIR
Dimentry Kannah 2ND CO-CHAIR
Oretha Saygbor Member
Zealey Kannah Member
Rev. Phillip Blamo - Advisor
This committee shall be responsible to conduct all elections, whether General or Special that may be required from time to time. The committee shall set the rules and regulations for elections in accordance with the By-Laws and Constitution
Jimmy Lorde - Chairman
Salome Quermollue co-chair
Adeline Bass - Secretary
This committee shall be responsible to maintain the headquarters of the association, and other Real estate that the organization may own. The committee shall keep the premises of the association clean and ready for business use at all times.
Aron Toe - Chair
Hawa Kamara
This Committee shall coordinate and recommend appropriate responses on behalf of the organization for any individual, or collective emergencies of affliction. Upon the directive of the Executive Committee, this Committee shall also be responsible for the investigation of any unethical conducts or acts of malfeasance. This committee shall be responsible to receive and examine all individual complaints regarding constitutional violations by Executive members. The committee shall then respond to the individual through thorough consultation with the Constitution committee if necessary.
Caleb Yalartai - Chairman
Mrs. Asunta Phillips 1st Co-Chair for procedures and Implementation
Mrs. Jane Collins-Bowier - 2nd Co-Chair
Sampson Glea Member
Bill Johnson - Secretary
Jacob Okai Member
Mrs. Alice Danso Member
Rev. Tanya Hudson Member
7. Education Committee – In addition to the established responsibility for LCAC LU scholarship Program, an education program for Liberian High School graduates will be implemented in June of each year. The committee will identify and register all high school students. At an honoring ceremony in June, each student will be awarded to stimulate his or her interest for college. The committee will work with each student to ensure entry to college. Two major fundraiser events to support the LU scholarship Program and 1 award ceremony to motivate high school graduates must be undertaken during the year.
Dr. Emmett Dennis Chairman
Masnoh Wilson Co-Chair Liberian Student Project-CT
Mrs. Salome Quirmolue Co-Chair LU Scholarship
Hon. Flomo Freeman Member
Abhraham Monger Member
Ad-Hoc and Special Committees
In keeping with our vision and promise to the people of connecticut during the campaign, the following committees have been appointed to complete specific tasks to extend the scope of operations of LCAC, and to include other sectors of our community that has been either dormant or forgotten. These committes will be given a definate period of six months to fully establish a feasible working portfolio in line with their mandate. During the six months period, results and portfolios will be submitted to the general assembly to determine if the committe is worth the status of a standing committee. Qualified Committees in this catergory will continue to function as standing committee after an amendment is requested and adoption completed by the general assembly. Committees that remain ad-hoc or special committee may have extension, restructured or be disbanded by the president if necessary.
1. Sports Committee-This committee will work on developing teams in soccer, kickball and basketball to represent the state in major competition. At least One major out of state encounter and 1 in state encounter is be required during the year. The team will be named the Lone star of Connecticut and will participate in major state competition. The committee shall establish soccer teams for three (3) age catergories as follows:
I. Age (5-12) Baby Lone Star
II. Age (13 - 17) Junior Lone Star
III. Age (18 and older) Lone Star
The sport committe shall establish schedule and organize soccer, Kickball and Basket ball practices in Hartford and New Haven counties, and establish registry for all participants.
Sayzojee Allen - Sports Director
Barro Kannah - 1st Co-Chair
Joseph Togbah - 2nd Co-Chair
Adona Member
Jenebah Swaray Member
Aaron Nimely Member
Dennis Claudius Member
Oretha Saygbor Member
Clematine Davis Member
Raheem Barnes - Advisor
2. Youth Committee– The youth committee will ensure the full registration of all Liberian youth in Connecticut with LCAC. They must engage youth in activities that develop the minds of Liberian youth and promote skills and talents in music, Arts, Dance and cultural awareness. At least 2 major youth events must be held during the year. The committee will Collaborate with youth services to conduct meaningful workshops that promote positive youth development. The committe has a special mandate to reach out to children in the following age groups: Ages 5 to 12; Ages 13 to 18 with a well organized christmas party on December 25, 2011 for children and complete arrangements for toys drive to give smile to Liberian children across the state.
Dorbor Thompson - Chairman
Romelus Scott 1st Co-chair
Alexander Bohlen 2nd Co-chair
Anthony Smith Secretary
Naiporna Nimmo Member
Madeyea Danso Member
Garmai Morris Member
Aaron Nimely Member
Flomo Freeman Advisor
Raheem Barnes Advisor
3. Resource Office – Gather information on Jobs, housing, Financial literacy, social services and other relevant resources, and make information available on the website or LCAC newsletter.
Jay Mcgill - Chairman
Arthur Gbeazon Co-Chair
Samuel Dahn Member
4. Office of Liaison – Represent LCAC at local, state and federal bureaus to promote the image of LCAC and defend the interest of Liberians in Connecticut. Lobby for favorable action on immigration reform that may affect Liberians in the US. Also encourage top Connecticut businesses to invest in Liberia and contribute to the nation’s recovery process. This office will submit at least 2 RFP to local and state agencies for financial sponsorship to sustain our sports, education and social programs for Liberian youth in Connecticut. This office will also be charged with the responsibility to connect potential Connecticut businesses with projects in Liberia and facilitate the means for participation in major bidding process.
Maletha Peters - Chairman
Mason Wilson - 1st Co-Chair
Fredrick Bohlen - 2nd Co-Chair
Bill Johnson - Member
Hon. Charles McGill Advisor
5. Council of Elders – This council will be responsible to complete full registration of Liberian seniors with LCAC, and submit at least one major project to visit a historical site in or out of state. The council will meet at their chosen, elect chairperson and develop rules. They must abide by deadline set for submission of proposals to the planning committee. The council shall contact all senior centers and facilitate the introduction of Liberian seniors to senior centers. The council will also seek advise from state agencies and organize workshops to educate Liberian seniors about retirement, social security and healthy life style.
Isaac Kyne - Chairman
Agnes Hudson 1st Co-Chair
Wokie Stewart 2nd Co-Chair
Pa Collins - Secretary
Mrs. Stewart Member
George saydee Member
Morris Gbayoubode Member
Ma Betty Kannah Member
Henry Cooper Member
LCAC Project execution protocol
Social, Sports, Education, Elderly Council and youth committees submit plans of action for entire year to planning committee for review. Venue, detail description and rough estimate must accompanied proposal.
Planning Committee discusses each plan and program and develop final program and budget for the year. (Programs promoting the achievement of administration vision will be encouraged)
Planning committee Submit plan (Calendar of Events) and budget to executive for approval
President submit budget to Board for approval
The Executive ensure the implementation of projects by contacting:
· Social committee for execution
· Youth Department for execution
· Sports committee for execution
· Education Committee for execution
· Council of Elders for execution