The spread of THE EBOLA virus in West Africa is alarming, and the death toll continue to rise. The survival rate of anyone contracting this disease has been estimated at 60%. This EBOLA virus is real, and has hit our country Liberia, and other West African countries very hard. The Liberian Community Association of Connecticut in collaboration with the Faith Revival Temple Church of West Haven is calling on all Liberians, Friends of Liberia, individuals and organizations to help save lives in Liberia. Our collaborating friends at Faith Revival Temple Church are 501c3 charity organization and will provide you with any information for tax purposes.
We are receiving donations, storing them and shipping from the USA to Liberia. We will appreciate any contribution in kind and/or cash that will help us get supplies and pay for shipping related cost. Please see attachment for list of materials and products that is urgently needed to fight the EBOLA epidemic.
It has been reported that doctors and nurses have contracted the disease and have died. Two American doctors were among health workers who contracted the disease. For more information, please visit
We are planning on shipping and or air freighting donations as early as possible. Tentatively, we have set up the following areas as drop-off stations for donations:
Bridgeport : 
1423 Kossuth St. Bridgeport, CT
Joseph Kalepele Morris 860-726 - 3889
Caleb H. Yalartai 203-606-0814 

Henri Wilson 203 645-4951 

Gertrude Wilson 475 -201 - 8095 

Manston Totimeh 203 – 243 - 8632
Joseph Morris Kalapele
Liberian Community Association of Connecticut